
Corporate Wellness Can Sustainably Boost Productivity and Performance of Employees

TMFISA Corporate Wellness is a division of the Marriage and Family Institute SA, which partners corporate companies to provide comprehensive wellness solutions to their employees.

TMFISA Corporate Wellness (CW) recognises that many companies are striving to attract and retain talented employees who are engaged and contribute to the overall achievement of the organisational goals. To do this, a positive Employee Value Proposition is one of the key assets of an organisation. TCW aims to assist organisations build an indisputable brand that infuses wellness as part of its EVP.

Our Vision

To partner with organization in providing an accessible and client centered wellness solutions.

Our Mission

To utilize various platforms, online or face-to-face to provide wellness interventions including but limited to psychological, financial, health, legal counselling to promote general health of employees, thereby increase productivity, commitment and engagement of employees.

Our Values

Our professional service is distinguished by the values that we adhere to, which include: Authenticity, Unconditional Acceptance, Confidentiality, Integrity and Partnership


TMFISA CW partners with various professionals to provide a comprehensive service that responds to our clients employees. We have partnership with professionals in the following fields:

Psychologists, Social workers, Counsellors, Medical doctors, Nurses, Dieticians, Physical Fitness Experts, Legal experts, Financial Advisors

Service Offerings

TMFISA CW offers a comprehensive wellness service that incorporates the following:


Service Delivery Model

TMFISA CW offers a comprehensive service which comprises:

  • Face-to Face counselling services
  • 24/7/36 telephonic counselling service
  • Individual Interventions
  • Group Interventions
  • Facilitated Webinars
  • Referral system to professionals for long term treatment.
  • Wellness Days
  • Key Account Management
  • Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reporting and Trend Analysis

Psychological Counselling

With the rising cost of living, many employees get trapped in the cycle of debt and poor financial management. Debt and financial stress contribute a great deal to employees general well-being. TMFISA CW provides financial advisory services to assist employees devise strategies for healthy financial and debt management. Financial Management Education is provided to raise awareness of the importance of healthy financial habits and short-term as well as long term financial planning.

Health Services

A healthy physical body is necessary to create a general sense of wellness and competence.  The following services are provided as part of our offering:

  • Health risk screening including blood pressure, cholesterol and Body Mass Index (BMI) assessment;
  • Healthy Lifestyle education and promotion

Legal Advice

TMFISA CW has partnered with legal experts to provide legal advisory services as part of our wellness package. The legal advise covers a range of areas including but not limited to:

  • Divorce,
  • Identity theft

Financial Counselling

 With the rising cost of living, many employees get trapped in the cycle of debt and poor financial management. Debt and financial stress contribute a great deal to employees general well-being. TMFISA CW provides financial advisory services to assist employees devise strategies for healthy and debt management. Financial Management Education is provided to raise awareness of the importance of healthy financial habits and short-term as well as long term financial planning.

Team Effectiveness Interventions

Critical conversations to help the team resolve conflict, communicate honestly and effectively for greater cohesiveness, diversity tolerance and improved performance.



  • Wellness Awareness Workshops
  • Managerial and Supervisory Training and Support
  • Training of Wellness Champions
  • Victim Empowerment Course
  • Emotional Intelligence