The Marriage and Family Institute offers a range of services in line with the four pillars of our mission. These are:


Services for the Individual


Individual Counselling/ Therapy

An eclectic therapeutic approach is adopted according to the needs of the client to help deal with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, post-traumatic stress disorder, stress management  and other emotional needs. etc.

Individual Coaching

For the individual desiring personal growth and mastery, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coaching techniques are applied to identify and overcome self-limiting beliefs, build confidence and  self-mastery in setting and achieving personal goals.

Services for Couples

Pre-Marital Counselling

Many couples “fall in love” and into marriage with very little preparation, only to hit a ‘reality shock’ once in marriage. This workshop integrates a number of interventions ranging from personality assessments, maximizing of personality personal values, attitudes about money and finances, expectations regarding child rearing, etc to ground the future marriage based on a solid foundation of realism to prepare those who wish to enter into marriage.

Couples Counselling /Therapy

Structured Marital Therapy is provided to couples that are dealing with challenges in their relationship. Elements of psychodynamic and systemic approaches are incorporated in the therapy to gain a deeper understanding of the root of the challenge and its effects as well as in the solution formulation.

Marriage / Couples Coaching

Couples coaching is offered as an alternative to Couples/ marital therapy. Only Certified Marriage coaches get to coach couples at the marriage and Family Institute


Services for Families


Family Therapy

A systems approach to family therapy is offered as a core intervention to address family relationship challenges. o           Families – Systems approach to the family is adopted to enhance family relationships and also assist affected individuals within the family, e.g. children

This will include play Therapy for Children and Therapy and Counselling for Teenagers

Services for Corporates

Employee Wellness

Tailored employee wellness services to deal with employee productivity, performance and stress.

Team Effectiveness Interventions

Critical conversations to get the team unstuck and communicate honestly and effectively for greater cohesiveness, diversity tolerance and improved performance.
