Pre-Marital Counselling
Pre-Marital Counselling
Couples Counselling
Couples Therapy
Couples Coaching
Couples Counselling
Family Therapy
Family Therapy
Individual Counselling / Therapy / Coaching
Individual Counselling

.Strengthening Individuals, Couples and Families

“When the families are strong, society is strong, as a rule. When families are weak, societies begin to break down.” - Dr. Lawrence Wilson, 2013


The family provides the foundation for healthy development of self-concept and how we develop the ability to relate with others and the world around us.

Everyone belongs to a family, it doesn’t matter how that family is constituted, but we all are born and live in this thing called family, that shapes our perceptions of the world and how we relate to it and to others around us. The strength of our family relations determines to a large extend, the way we see and experience life, and how we relate to those around us. The nature of our relations in turn, affects our mental health.

“When the families are strong, society is strong, as a rule. When families are weak, societies begin to break down.” - Dr. Lawrence Wilson, 2013


The family provides the foundation for healthy development of self-concept and how we develop the ability to relate with others and the world around us.



An eclectic therapeutic approach is adopted according to the needs of the client to help deal with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, post-traumatic stress disorder, stress management  and other emotional needs. etc...



Structured Marital Therapy is provided to couples that are dealing with challenges in their relationship. Elements of psychodynamic and systemic approaches are incorporated in the therapy...



A systems approach to family therapy is offered as a core intervention to address family relationship challenges. Families – Systems approach to the family is adopted to enhance family relationships...



The M&FISA provides therapy, counselling, educational and empowerment programs to help individuals, couples and families to navigate the everyday conflicts and challenges towards healthy and fulfilling lives and relationships.